Taking a stand against Tower Power

Does this signal that London is pulling back from the brink when it comes to tall buildings? Plans for the Paddington Pole a flagship building designed by architect Renzo Piano scheduled to be built by the property developer behind the Shard has just been reduced from a 254m high monolith to a modest 14 floor cube.It seems there is a growing resistance to the idea that big is always best. This change of heart, following an outcry from campaigners including the Victorian Society and Historic England, seems to capture the mood of the moment, with the preservation of London۪s skyline taking precedence over ever-taller high rise buildings.London is a vibrant city where the old and the new have always stood side by side and a compromise between tradition and expansion seems to be the right way to go in this instance. As estate agents working in and around Westminster, London Bridge and Kennington, Daniel Cobb is keen on heritage, but we also enjoy cutting-edge architecture at its best.We'll watch further developments with interest.

A 72-floor skyscraper project in west London known as the Paddington Pole has been transformed into a 14-floor cube after an outcry by local campaign groups.
